Grant Opportunities
BGCI Global Botanic Garden Fund
Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) currently has a fund open for botanic gardens to drive their plant conservation activities, and seed conservation projects are encouraged. Preference will be given to small botanic gardens in developing countries and biodiversity hotspots. Calls for proposals open once a year.
BIOPAMA Rapid Response Grants
The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) Programme’s Action Component is managed by IUCN and financed by the European Union’s 11th European Development Fund. Their Rapid Response Grants help African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries increase resilience of protected areas and local communities’ livelihoods, in response to risks and difficulties induced by the COVID-19 crisis.
SSC Grant Opportunities
At the SSC Leaders’ Meeting, the SCSG Co-Chairs gained a better understanding of grants available to specialist groups (SG) and their members; in fact, we went to workshops with the following funders, learned specific feedback on what they are looking for, and have good relationships with them. If you apply, we can help!
Fondation Franklinia
This grant supports on-the-ground conservation action for tree species. While this grant would not support seed collection/banking alone, it could support projects using seeds for restoration in natural habitats. They’re interested in filling gaps and addressing tree diseases, and they want more engagement with SSC members. If you’re considering applying, we can share advice we learned from the foundation’s director. Calls for proposals open twice a year.
Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
This grant supports conservation projects targeted to individual species, with an emphasis on species assessed as endangered (EN) and critically endangered (CR), or those that are data deficient (DD) but suspected to be highly threatened. They focus on in situ projects but also award some grants to ex situ projects, so seed conservation proposals should have strong justification, or incorporation of in situ components. Up to $25,000 USD. Calls for proposals open 3 times a year.
SSC EDGE Internal Grants
This grant from the SSC Chair’s Office in partnership with On the EDGE Conservation supports projects that contribute to halting the loss of evolutionarily distinct lineages through improving assessment and planning for species in these lineages. This includes new Red Listing, updating outdated Red Listing, or developing conservation action plans. Co-Chairs submit proposals on behalf of the SG, but if you have suggestions, feel free to let us know. Up to $10,000 USD. Calls for proposals open twice a year.
SSC Internal Grants
This grant from the SSC Chair’s Office supports activities of SGs related to the Species Conservation Cycle or the SG’s targets for the quadrennium. Co-Chairs submit proposals on behalf of the SG, but if you have suggestions, feel free to let us know. Up to $3500 USD. Calls for proposals open twice a year.
Do you have a grant opportunity to add? Contact us
Seed/seedling photographs, listed from top to bottom: Buchanania barberi (India), by Anurag Dhyani; Ochreinauclea missionis (India), by Anurag Dhyani